Another great thing that happened this month, my nephew was born to my younger brother NH and his wife Ashley. This is my...let's see 18th nephew, but we are always glad to have another one. And we were so glad to get to go to the hospital and see him the day after he was born. He is adorable, makes fantastic cooing noises, and made me all the more excited for my own baby.
So here I am on Easter Sunday, 37 weeks pregnant and looking every day of it. And if you could see my the bottom of my legs where by ankles once used to live you would understand that I truly am 37 weeks pregnant. Baby Clark is due to be born on May 13th, which happens to be Friday the 13th, so cross your fingers and hope that I have her that day...she will be my lucky baby. And while you are here looking go ahead and take a good look at my very handsome husband who rubs my aching back for me whenever I ask, helps me off the couch, picks things up off the floor for me, and is always willing to wait for me to use the bathroom one more time before we leave the house.
You look great, but oh how I bet you are ready to be able to sit normally again. It is the strangest sensation to feel normal again! Can't wait.
You do look great! Our book club is the best! Maybe we'll get to meet baby Clark at our next book club. No pressure though if you need a little down time! Can't wait to hear your birthing story. Happy pushing!!!
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