06 August 2011


Sarah turned 3 months old yesterday, hard to believe how quickly the time has past. And much to my happiness it has gotten easier, just as many people said it would. She is easier to put to bed at night, takes some naps in the day, smiles at me, and we are growing used to our new life together. How happy I am to have her as part of our family.

Sarah in her blessing dress...


Rachel said...

She is so cute Caroline! Glad to hear it has gotten easier.

Ben and Summer said...

She is so SWEET! I'm so happy for you three. I wish I could see her in person! Congrats on the blessing, I'm sure Brad did a great job:)

Delaps said...

I am glad that it is getting easier. Life is so much fun with a little family.

Lanenga Family said...

What a CUTIE! Glad we got to meet her and catch up with you and BRad. Some days are harder, some days are easier, but it's all worth it! :)

Andy and Steph said...

HOLY COW!!! So....we didn't even know you were pregnant...or post-pregnant :) Congratulations--- she is beautiful! We are so excited and happy for you guys! (And no we aren't stalking...we were reading Erin's blog and saw your name...and then we stalked :)