Something you've heard before, but cannot explain is that becoming a Mom is a wonderful, slightly scary, and amazing adventure. Our little Sarah Ann Clark was born to us last week, a week and one day early! What a surprise, a wonderful surprise. I kept having the feeling that she would be early, but I brushed it off knowing every pregnant women hopes to have her baby early. Especially those nights when you really want to eat dessert, but just know your belly will explode open if you do; or when your ribs just feel like someone has been giving you a boars tusk (a move NH taught me years ago - basically taking a thumb and jambing it into someones ribs, for their comfort) to the ribs all day long, which of course is a cute little foot just trying to stretch out.

We also learned that having a baby bonds you and your spouse in a way you didn't imagine. Somehow you feel closer and more connected to each other. It is fantastic. And I have realized even more what an amazing husband I have. He was able to help keep me calm during labor and delivery, getting an epidural, and IV, having blood drawn, being stitched, helping me in and out of bed, getting me a drink, and whatever else I could possible need.

I've learned that snuggling with a little baby really is as awesome as people tell you. And suddenly you really don't mind changing diapers, having a baby cry in your ear, pull on your hair, scratch your chest, and wake you up in the middle of the night, again and again. I've also realized that suddenly I can hardly stand to watch violence on television, and that I have dreams about her getting hurt that just break my heart. Perhaps this is just the extreme change in my hormones; but somehow I now understand that a mother will always worry about her children, she will never not worry about her children, they are a part of her.
We feel so blessed to have Sarah here with us, she has already changed my life for the better.
We know she is beautiful, just like every other parent knows their child is beautiful - which of course is just how it should be. We think she is perfect and can't believe that she is ours and we are now parents. So to sum up, let the adventure begin!