Do you ever have a perfect opportunity, but then you realize too late or mess it up. I sure did yesterday. Caroline and I went up into the Canyon, for a drive on the Alpine loop. We had stopped and were taking a few pictures and then decided to set up our tripod to take some pictures of us together. Then it appeared out of no where, a Ferrari F430 Convertible, just casually gliding along. Its yellow blending in beautifully with the golden leaves, the light shining through them, angels singing...and all I could do was gawk. Caroline was stunned that I wasn't firing off pictures and when she said something it snapped me out of my reverie. It was a perfect setup and I could already see in my mind the kind of photo Ferrari marketers dream about. So I pushed the button, but it was still on self-timer and merely started beeping. My brain was still a little fuzzy from the glorious scene, so by the time I got the camera back into regular shooting mode the car was around the corner, its spectacular engine note still taunting me. Aaarg!
It really was the perfect car picture. Black top road, sun shining through golden colored leaves, and a shiny, expensive car. It was sad that we missed that photo op. We really had the tripod set as if we were there to photograph that car.
That's a sad story!
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