03 April 2010


Just a little something...dictionary.com word of the day April 1

hugger-mugger \HUH-guhr-muh-guhr\,

noun:1. A disorderly jumble; muddle; confusion.2. Secrecy; concealment.
adjective:1. Confused; muddled; disorderly.2. Secret.
adverb:1. In a muddle or confusion.2. Secretly.
transitive verb:1. To keep secret.
intransitive verb:1. To act in a secretive manner.

From here on in, it's all about security clearances, undercover surveillance, computers, microphones hidden in coat buttons and so much technical hugger-mugger you'd have to be a hacker to decipher it.-- Rex Reed, "On The Town With Rex Reed", New York Observer, February 3, 2003


Kelly said...

That's hilarious! And...welcome back to the blogging world!

Lanenga Family said...

Hugger-mugger--definitely usable! :) When are you coming our way to play?!!

Caroline said...

Ally, Just as soon as our plane tickets arrive!