Mothers Day
Mother's Day, as you know, was last Sunday. Brad and I invited my parents over for dinner. Then Brad's father came into town, so of course he was invited too. Then we decided to invite my brother Clayton and his wife Jessa, since they live a couple of blocks from us. And then we figured we should just make it a party and so we invited the Memmott's too- Brad's sister Kelly, husband Grant and their kids Victoria, 3, and Joseph, 11 days. It was a lot of fun; thanks for those who attended.So Brad was kind enough to make some apple crisp. He was so cute about it. Because I was taking up the entire kitchen (literally) making Sweet Barbacoa Pork, fresh Pico-de-Gallo, and cream sauce (which you can find on my cooking blog), he moved his operation to the table. It was fantastic. He pulled out all the ingridents, lined them up, and appeared to be filming a cooking show, as you can see from the picture above.
Unfortunately I didn't take too many pictures at the event, but I got a couple. Above left is my parents and Grant Memmott. On the right is Brad and his father.
These lovely folks are (starting from the left) Brad's sister Kelly and daughter Victoria; baby Joseph (who slept most of the evening which made it nice for Kelly so that she could eat); and Jessa and Clayton Rather.
Thanks for coming everyone. And if you are interested in coming over sometime for dinner, we'd love to have you.
It looks like you had a fun Mother's Day, with plenty of mothers and potential mothers on hand.
We also turned to Two Little Chefs for dinner. We opted for the Spinach Tortellini salad; that dressing is delicious.
Thanks again for the invite. We loved the company and the food!
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