Clayton, Part I:
This is my brother Clayton and his wife Jessa. Clayton has been working with a company called Mad Scientists for the last 7 or 8 months. Basically they do science experiments for kids at birthday parties, school classrooms, etc. Brad and I got to go and watch him perform once at the Pleasant Grove library. It was awesome. If you know Clayton, you know that this is the perfect job for him. Anyways, I guess yesterday while working at a summer camp the local paper, The Daily Herald, came and interviewed him and took some photos. There is an interview with him and another Mad Scientists on the The Daily Herald's homepage, and he said there will be a blurb about it and a picture in the paper today. Check out the video interview here, and if you are interested call up Mad Scientists and ask for Clayton to do your kids party, he really is great at it!
Part II: Books
Clayton is also a writer and reads many, many books. He started a very interesting blog where he reviews books that he likes and plans to post some of his own writing. Interested? The blog is called Books By Clay, check it out!
So fun! I hope we get to see the mad scientist sometime. You'll have to keep us posted for some of his showings!
Kelly-He has one this week at the library. I believe it is on Wednesday morning in Springville. You will have to have Caroline find out for sure. I know it is open to the public.
Thanks for the links. Looks like the perfect job for Clayton.
Caroline - we missed it today. We ended up babysitting and then the neighbour kids came over. Can you let me know when the next one is?
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