There have been various times in my life when I go through a binge...not an alcohol or drinking binge, but rather a breaking binge. I appear to be in one now. First, I broke a glass at NH and Ashley's house. Next, I somehow managed to tear apart our fitted sheet during the middle of the night while I was sleeping. Not near my feet or anything, but underneath my mid-back. And then the other night while I was making some cookies I managed to break a spatula. Now I wasn't doing anything labor intensive with it, I was merely scooping out some shortening from a can. So let me apologize in advance if I come to your house and break something. I don't mean too, I am just binging!
If you are going to break something at my house, can I at least pick what it is? There are a few things I would love to get rid of.
Rebekah: thanks for the comment I chuckled out loud. And yes, if you just want to leave a pile of disposables I will do what I can.
The funny thing about this picture is that it is kind of true. We have about 300 spatulas for some reason, yet Caroline was still very very sad and wanted to try glueing, duct taping, welding, anything to save the spatula she broke. I told her it was okay if we parted with it, but I honestly don't know if she got rid of it or not.
You look so sad in that picture! How did you manage to tear your sheets? I can't figure that out.
Rebekah's comment was funny and I have to agree. We'll make a pile for you!
How do you rip sheets in the night? Come on Caroline, what were you really doing?
Q: How did I rip the sheets during the night?
A: I really couldn't say, I woke up to the sound of tearing. Brad blames it on my 'sharp' elbows, I don't really know what he means by that.
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