If you can overlook the fact that these two men are apparently holding hands this is a pretty amazing picture. I am not sure if they were trying to 'high five' or hit fists or what, but making contact while tearing down a track is very dangerous and I say kudos to them.
When I saw this picture it immediately reminded me of a road trip with some friends, the Zirkers. We were heading north along I-15 through Salt Lake and they decided to pass water bottles between vehicles. Fun, not too smart, but definately fun.
Then of course I thought of the times I longboarded while hanging onto cars or gave a fellow boarder a 'ride'. One time a middle-aged BYU maintanence worker even slowed down so I could grab onto his truck, but once I was on he didn't hold back and I made it to class in record time. Ahhh, the wisdom of youth.
Hey Caroline! So fun to see your blog! I found it from Alexis'. I love your food blog too. What a fabulous idea! I'm going to try making that salmon tonight. Sounds delicious! Keep up the yummy posts!
Brad, Maybe you and I ought to try this. What do you think?
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