30 March 2009

Emperor Obama

I must admit that I was dubious when Obama was elected, but he gets scarier everyday. He goes about throwing money around like it is his, not ours. Equally scary is his crazy idea of budgeting. Essential to his budget is that the US economy will magically be stronger than ever before two years from now. He is like one of those people who puts everything on their credit card because they assume that somehow next year they will be earning twice as much money. Problem is that rarely happens and so they go bankrupt instead and we, as a country, are well on our way. The head of the European Union said that Obama's budget was 'the road to hell' and he was right. China has loaned us tons of money and they are starting to call it in, only we can't pay it. Heck, we can't even pay the interest on it. We as a country are bankrupt and he is increasing government spending by trillions. Wake up Obama and live within our means.

He is also starting to issue orders to companies, as if he knew what he was talking about. To bad he has never run a business or anything for that matter. I guess he also forgot that we live in a democracy, at least we did the last time I checked. Maybe last night the US turned into the First Holy Empire of Obama and all the businesses are his. Yikes! Pinch me quick.


Travis said...

I was unaware that the Pres. of the US could hire and fire the CEO's of PRIVATE companies. What's next? Extended term limits...because Obama knows best?

Caroline said...

It seems that Obama can get away with whatever he wants, I mean he does know better than the rest of us, "gun-clinging, religious zealots" right?

Truthfully, I think he and his possey are looking to destroy our nation as quickly as they can. What is the reason behind this, I often wonder. The only thing I can think, is like some of our Book of Mormon friends, there are secret combinations that we don't know about, and a desire for power and control. The saddest part is America is letting him, in fact many Americans love this new administration and think they are working wonders (I guess they don't realize that they are the ones who have to pay for it through money and loss of freedom). Perhaps, I am wrong, hopefully I am, but my gut and my logic, tell me I am not.

Another thing, I have friends that LOVE, support, and respect our new administration. Sometimes it can be difficult to discuss politics with them, because I feel they are blinded by his white teeth, "hope", and "change". How do we talk politics and maintain our friendships? Just a question I am putting out there.

Caitlin said...

Politics aren't even safe conversation with my whole family any more. Sad, but true. I'm choosing to just avoid.

Something I heard (we'll see if it really happens) - Obama's trying so hard to be loved that now saying if GM can't guarantee vehicle warranties, our government will. ?!?!?! . . . Hmmm, maybe China will volunteer to cover those for us, too.

JD said...

A few thoughts...
Brad, I totally agree with everything you said. He truly is setting himself up to be the Emperor, with the help of the Oligarchy that rules above him. Now that these private companies like GM have accepted his money, they are OWNED. He can do with them as he pleases, like fire the CEO, restructure the company, make them give cars to poor people in Kenya, etc. The same goes with any state or other entity that accepts a federal handout.
I think there are many comparisons to the Book of Mormon (and the Roman Republic/Empire) in our current situation.
Here is one problem... the 'secret combinations' of our day - and I think we have plenty of examples of them - don't understand that this country came about by divine providence. They don't care about the Constitution or see it as any kind of foundation for our Republic. They are progressives with progressive thinking, with the mentality that ANY kind of change is good change. The Constitution is an outdated document for an outdated society in their minds. They are secularists who do not see the need for God or religion, they think they know a better way. It makes me think of Zeezrom in the Book of Mormon. He basically held out a bag of money to Alma and asked him to deny God, assuming that he would esteem wealth higher than his faith. In the end of the Book of Mormon, people with this type of mentality formed a society of secularists where power over others was their main motivation, not peace or individual rights and freedoms. I think we're about there. See Ether 8.
As far as talking to people with other viewpoints... I have a lot of friends up in Seattle that think I'm a nut for what I believe. It wouldn't matter if Obama started rounding them up and putting them in labor camps, because it's 'change we can believe in'. They would ask where to line up and do it with a smile on their faces. I believe the only way to talk to people like that is to use truth as a weapon. Truth cuts like a sword. There is no defense against it. They can rationalize all they want, but in the end, the truth cannot be defeated. The key, and sometimes the hardest part, is to find common ground. That way your friendship is not destroyed. I have 3 friends at work who are atheists. I disagree with them 100% on everything having to do with religion. However, they are right there with me when it comes to maintaining individual freedom, which this country was built upon, and keeping the government very limited in it's impact upon those liberties. So I try to build on that, with the hopes that someday we can have a rational discussion on why they're wrong about God (although I probably won't present it like that).
Arm yourself with the facts and you can't go wrong.
Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox now. My point is, I agree with you, and I think we're in for a tough fight.

Brad said...

I am starting to wonder if Obama might not by Darth Obama, using his jedi mind tricks to sway people. No matter what craziness he does some people still love him. Line up lemmings and get ready to swim.

Kelly said...

Reminds of Hitler actually. He was quite a powerful and emotional speaker. He had a lot of support from the people who saw him as the way out of the economic hardships they were experiencing.

Brad said...

True, except he would scream and rant and advocate the elimination of 'lesser' humans. An important difference. Oh and Hilter did strength the economy, while Obama is destroying it.

Also with Hitler you knew his agenda, the problem with Obama is he comes out of no where and fires employees of private companies and then offers goverment warrantees on cars. Next we will have socialized medicine and then free welfare for all...then we collapse.

By the way James, generally a part owner cannot fire, only a majority owner, which the government is not even close to with GM, not that I think Wagoner did a good job, but it was not Obama's position to decide that, it was the shareholders and board of directors. I do realize that situation is slightly different since the government was making the aid contingent on certain things, but they should have let the go to bankrupcy instead. Obama is just privatizing the profit and socializing the loss. Meaning the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Way to strike a blow for the wealthy Mr. Change.

Lanenga Family said...

I love your post and all of the comments. After reading about Obama firing the GM CEO I turned to Matt and said this country is no longer run by democracy, and it's not. There is no way for Obama to justify taking control, as you said it should have been handled by majority owners. The money he is just throwing out there means we are owned by so many other nations, and won't be able to pay it back. This ENORMOUS debt will be on the backs of the generations to come--which they will all be cursing Obama's name, I am sure. How can people still support and back this man up? It seems incredulous to me that people still admire him and his plans--how?

Caroline said...

I just want to say another thing. Here we are all attacking Obama, but the truth is, it is us Americans that are responsible for what happens in this country. He is doing what he is because he can, which means that if we are upset, we need to take action. I don't suggest using force or any other "terrorist" like tactics, but writing to our local representatives, being honest, helping others be honest, having open and not hostile conversations with those around us. We need to unite as a people and stand up for what we believe, that is what our founding fathers did. Just attacking Obama is not going to do anything really, I mean he is one man, one very powerful man, but just one. We still live in a democracy, so let's do what we can to keep it that way! Who's with me!

JD said...

Just as a point of clarification, we live in a constitutional republic, not a democracy. It may seem like I'm being picky with my nomenclature, or it may seem like a matter of semantics, but there is an important distinction. A democracy is a system where literally everyone has a say, and majority rules. This may seem like a good idea at first, but our founding fathers understood that this can eventually lead to chaos and mob rule. It has been tried before, most notably in Greece. A constitutional republic is where individuals are elected as representatives and must abide by a constitutional law that limits the expansion of government power over the citizens of the state. Basically as John Adams stated, it is a "government of laws, and not of men". Therein lies the difference. Law is the rule, not the majority.

So how is it that Obama can get away with kicking out the head of GM, and Geithner can threaten to do the same to bank CEO's? How is it that the law no longer applies? Well, first off, they don't have a fundamental understanding that what they are doing IS illegal, and there is no constitutional provision for their actions at all! Case in point... these two idiots who can't even name the provision of the Constitution that justifies their actions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxTpBhLE11s

They seem to have no understanding of the law. They play off of public sentiment, fear, and knee-jerk reactions to justify their actions to themselves, the media, and the public. Another example of this would be the Attorney General of Connecticut. He is going after the execs of AIG to try to get their bonus money back, even though the majority did nothing wrong. They were given a legally binding contract and repeatedly told that contract would be honored if they would just stay on to help dismantle the dying portions of the company. This guy is the A.G. of Connecticut, and can't name the specific law he is following by going after them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goNw7cu1G3g&feature=related

You can read a letter of resignation by one of the AIG execs here: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/25/opinion/25desantis.html
(sorry for all the long URL references)

When the government itself chooses to no longer abide by its own laws, the whole system slides deeper and deeper into chaos. The eventual result leaves a void for any number of things to occur. It could be filled by a dictatorship, socialism or communism, it could collapse into a situation of total anarchy, or it could be replaced by the re-establishment of limited government and a strong constitution.

It all depends on who stands up and fights for it!

naomi said...

He's a fascist and I can't stand him and his outrageous policies.