Until today Caroline and I just assumed that we were generally nice people and that we didn't have an enemy in the world, but today we have discovered that may be an illusion. This morning while Caroline was at the gym, with our car and I was sitting in the front room working on my computer the power went out. This occassionally happens in our house, it is old and sometimes the circuits just trip. Then I discovered that not only were the all of the plugs out, but so were the lights. They are on separate circuits and never go out at the same time. Thus, not suspecting the sinister nature of the event, which we would later uncover, I falsely assumed that the power in the neighborhood had gone out, so I just continued about my day, waiting patiently for the power to return.
When Caroline got home, I explained that the power was out, she wondered what was up and so she went next door to talk to our neighbors about it, only surprise surprise, they still had power and so did our neighbors across the street. This led us to go check our fuse box, which just happens to be on the outside of our house, attached the back corner. Our first clue that something was up was that the door to fusebox was not latched, just mostly closed. We always keep it latched, so when we opened it and all the switches were flipped, including the main breaker and the ones that don't do anything we knew that we had a mystery on our hands.
Our first thought was a prank, perhaps some mischievous person with a dash in his name. While this was a possibility it seemed unlikely, so we flipped all of the switches back to on and viola our power was restored.
A few hours later went to the public library to work on our theses (plural of thesis, anyone...ixoj) and when we returned home, low and behold, no power. Venturing into our backyard we discovered that once more the fuse box was mostly closed, but not latched. Since we had latched it just that morning, after the first incident, we knew for sure now that something was up. Once again while our car was gone the power was magically turned off.
So now we are trying to plan a sting operation, hoping to catch the villian in the act. The best we could come up with was to drive our car over to the home of our aforementioned friend who we initially suspected might have pulled a prank on us. Leaving the car there, we will then walk steathily all the way home and sneak back into our house by means of the alley and back door, so that our suspect, who will at the moment remain nameless, cannot see us return. Then we will wait and see if it happens again. Third time's the charm right. Now just incase we miss out on any attacks on our abode while we are setting up our trap we are going to set up a video camera in our garage, which just happens to face the fuse box and also just happens to have a hole in it (yes, quality I know).
Verily, I think we have all our bases covered, except for sloth. Two covert operations in one day maybe have strained the very limits of our enemy and left him or her lying in their home recovering and plotting, only to attack again another day when we least expect it.
We have decided that if our ploy yields no results today we will simply lock the fuse box and garage and continue on with our lives, perhaps never to know the identity of our assailant. If you have any cunning plans that might assist us, by all means please let us know.