The last few days work has been crazy for me. Every car company you have ever heard of and many you haven't are flaunting their cars in preparation for the Paris Motor Show, which starts October 2nd. Some are cool and some boring, some have sweet new technology and others are just the same old jive. One thing that really stood out though is the new Lamborghini Estoque Concept.
I never thought I would see the day when Lamborghini made a sedan. Granted it is just a concept and it may or may not see production, but considering how gorgeous it is and the huge response they have had, it is likely to hit the streets. I certainly think that the world would be a more beautiful place with a few of these driving around, especially if I was driving. I mean it is a sedan, so it is family car right? Wouldn't Caroline and I look great with a little Clark in the back seat.

By the way if you want to see more pictures and read about this glorious 'family' car click on the title. Oops, I just drooled a little.
He's not kidding about the drool, it landed on my leg. Just kidding! Brad loves cars incase you didn't get that idea yet.
You really do have the perfect job (except it should be your own website!)
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