Our friends the Zirkers invited us on a little excursion the other day, and by little I mean about 5 hours. We started at the Y trailhead and then hiked over Y mountain and down into the rock canyon and out. It was pretty steep going at first, but once we got to the top of Y mountain it was pretty easy.

At the top we took the recommendation from another hiker who we met on the trail and headed out to an overlook. We paused there to eat our lunch, as part of which Kelly enjoyed a slightly softened Hersey bar.

Then we set out again heading down the hill and discovered that going down it was more like bushwacking, as the trail was very overgrown. We almost lost the trail in a few places and Trav did his best to keep us tromping through the bushes.

Unfortunately, shortly after stared down the mountain a rock leapt up and attacked Kelly. It struck her quite viciously and despite her strength and tenacity she still went down. Being the little mighty mite she is, she hobbled the rest of the way down the mountain. She looked a little like old mother time leaning on a withered branch that Trav had procurred for her. Closer to the bottom it was actually Trav and Caroline that pleaded for a break and Kelly conceded, mumbled something about the old fogies she had to deal with. : )

The scenery was gorgeous and we had a lot of fun. Nothing like good friends, the mountains, fall leaves, and some exercise. Oh and
creamy peanutbutter and jam sandwiches with a smiley face on the bag. : )
This hike did turn out a bit longer than anticipated, but it was well worth the efforts (and the blisters for those who got them...I didn't get any luckily enough). At points I felt like we were heading through the jungles just trying to find our way down the mountain. It was great! Thanks to the Zirks
If I remember correctly, you all accused me of looking like Old Man Winter, which I heartily disagreed with as I am clearly missing a beard!
Thanks for coming along!
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