How do you deal with frustrations? Brad and I really want to make the move to Italy, the sooner the better, but with the economy as wacked out as it is (stupid goverment) we don't know if and when we will be able to go. Why you ask? Well if buisness's are unable to get loans to build, then they can't build, thus they do not need an architect to design their buildings, thus the draftsman don't have buildings to draw. We are hoping that the architectual business will pick up, although the winter months tend to be a little slower anyways, so that I will continue to have a job drafting. Next frustration, google adsense doesn't want me. Both Brad and I decided to start other blogs and put ads on them to try and earn a little more money. However, I just got an email saying I was not accepted to Adsense. Why? Your guess is as good as mine, I guess I need to do a little more research and see how to be accepted, or try another advertising route. So how do I deal with stress? Keep on trying (and maybe complain, moan, and groan a little bit along the way too)!
Sorry about Italy - that is very sad. Maybe it will still work out.
That is so strange about AdSense. I didn't have any problems. Grant asked if you have an old boyfriend that works for Google.
Well I thought I would be accepted, I had ads for about a week, and then they took them off. I need to talk to you about your site.
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